Age of Empires Novice Tournament

The ultimate competition for new and emerging players of Age of Empires II! Designed for those looking to improve, compete, and have fun without facing high-level opponents.

Rated 5 stars by players


Welcome to AOE League Tournaments

Great experience for new players!

AOELeague Player


Unique Event
A tournament exclusively designed for novice players who want to test their skills in a competitive yet friendly environment.

Special Date
Mark your calendar so you don’t miss the tournament. Don’t let this unique opportunity pass you by!

Great Prizes
Compete for cash prizes and exclusive rewards that will make your participation worthwhile!

Rules and Eligibility

Join our tournaments designed for novice and intermediate players. Everyone competes fairly and equally.

Unique Event

A tournament exclusively designed for novice players who want to test their skills in a competitive yet friendly environment.

Special Date

Mark your calendar so you don’t miss the tournament. Don’t let this unique opportunity pass you by!

Compete for cash prizes and exclusive rewards that will make your participation worthwhile!

Great Prizes

To ensure fair competition, only players with a maximum ELO of 1100 can participate, guaranteeing balanced matches.

ELO Limit

We will use a double-elimination system with best-of-3 matches, giving you more chances to prove your skills.


You will need the latest version of the game and a stable connection to participate without technical issues.

Maps and Civilizations

We will have a balanced selection of maps and allowed civilizations to ensure strategic diversity.

Complete the Form

Fill out all required fields in our official registration form, including your username and current ELO.

How to Participate

Verify Your Eligibility

Our team will confirm that you meet the tournament requirements by reviewing your game history.

You will receive a confirmation email with all the details to secure your spot before the Tournament

Confirm Your Participation
Get Ready to Compete!

There are only 16 spots available, so sign up soon to avoid missing out!

Contact Us

Reach out for inquiries about our novice and intermediate tournaments. We're here to help you!